How do I arrange a Property Viewing Trip?
How do I organise a viewing of a property in Austria? How do I organise a property viewing itinerary?
We understand it may be difficult for you to find the time to organise a property viewing trip in Austria, so our aim is to help you with the logistics and allow you to see as many properties that correspond to your criteria as possible to maximise the use of your time.
Ideally, we would like to know at least 2 weeks ahead of the planned viewing trip so that we can arrange the on-site logistics and potentially arrange the viewing of a number of properties for your to consider so that you have a clear idea about the local property market and make the best buying decision. Also, owners may need to be present at the viewing so it is preferable to give them some notice. Viewings during high season, on Sundays or publica holidays may be more difficult to arrange, but we will do our best to accommodate your availability.